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Safety Operating Matters in Quartz Glass Processin
Editor:Innovation   Time:2019/5/20

1. Oxygen and hydrogen are mixed energy sources in quartz glass processing, so hydrogen cylinders and oxygen cylinders need to be stored in isolation. Hydrogen cylinders should be stored in a cool place to avoid direct sunshine and open fire.


2. When replacing cylinders, it is necessary to check whether the barometer is working properly and whether the connection with the gate valve is leaking.

3. Regular quarterly inspection of the safety of ventilation pipes, air valves, lamp holders and other equipment parts (e.g. soap water applied to the connection between pressure air meter and cylinder threads, high-pressure pipe connections, needle valves, switches, etc.).

4. Before the nozzle ignites, the hydrogen and oxygen control valves must be opened separately, and the residual air in the pipeline can be exhausted before ignition (to avoid explosion hazard caused by residual air in the hydrogen pipeline).

5. The operator must extinguish the fire and close the spray gun valve and cylinder valve when completing the work or leaving the studio.

6. Keep fire channel and power switch open.

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